5 Key Benefits of social feeds widget for website

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Social media has revolutionized the digital marketing space. Social media was initially introduced as a tool to communicate with people or for some it was the source to connect to new people. But as social media started enjoying its popularity, businesses were keen to use it as their marketing weapon. It ensured them with a huge audience and cost-effective ways to market their products.

Often businesses restrict themselves within the boundaries of each social media platform, but there is an effective marketing strategy that allows you to use these platforms beyond the boundaries, and that is to embed social media widgets into the website.

Social media widgets are the functional blocks on the website that help you to display social media feeds on your website. You can get social media widgets from social media aggregators. There are various social media aggregator tools in the market that provide you with social media widgets that enable you to showcase social feeds on the website.

These tools are easy to use and provide you with an easy-to-operate. Moreover, most of these are coding-free, hence do not require any coding skill or knowledge. So even if you belong to a non-technical background, you can still use these tools with ease.

You can embed social media widgets on the website with the help of these tools, without any hassle. Now, I must be wondering why we are emphasizing so much for this strategy. And being a marketer, one should have an inquisitive mind. Hence, here are some of the reasons for the same. These reasons might convince you to use the social media widget for your website.

5 Key Benefits of social feeds widget for website | SEO WEB AGENCY

Benefits of embedding Social Media widget on the Website

Enhances the visuals of the website

Nowadays, businesses pay huge attention to adding charm to their websites in this digital age because websites are considered brand deputies. And what can be better than using colorful, vivid, and vibrant social media posts for the website, right?

Social media users are very creative in their space. They provide amazing and engaging content using the various features that different social media platforms provide. You can add them to your website with the help of social media widgets and increase the visual appeal of your website and create a good impression in front of your visitors and potential customers.

Increases visitors’ engagement on the website

The social media landscape contains ample content consisting of different types and different genres. People often use their creativity on social media and upload amazing, engaging and entertaining content. It keeps the viewers hooked to the particular social media platform.

You can bring the same charm to your website, just use social media widgets for that, display amazing content on your website, and keep your visitors engaged with the scrollable and amazing content.

Increases website traffic

As social media widgets can keep your visitors engaged and hooked on the website and moreover they look attractive, that simple can help you in increasing website traffic. And when there is more website traffic, it simply means, there are more chances of sales. And eventually helps you to attain more brand recognition and reputation. It simply helps you in achieving your business goals and establishes your brand and online presence.

5 Key Benefits of social feeds widget for website | SEO WEB AGENCY

Presents social proof

A rational customer always looks for social proof and review before making a purchase decision because the customer does not want to invest in a product/brand that does not stand on their expectations. And what can be a better judge of the product than current users? Social media users often provide reviews and social proofs on the platform which eventually helps the business and with the help of social media widgets you can showcase them on your website.

Social proof often encourages people to buy products from a certain brand, so why restrict social proof to the platforms only? You can extract more benefits from this marketing maneuver with the help of social media widgets.

You also use social media widgets to showcase reviews. How can it be helpful? – People often explore various other websites and platforms to read reviews. And as they have ample chives in the market, they often end up buying from competitive brands. Hence, by providing them with reviews on your website, you can hold them and eventually convince them to buy from your brand. Also, it helps you to appear transparent in front of your visitors and improve your market reputation.

5 Key Benefits of social feeds widget for website | SEO WEB AGENCY

Establish social media presence

Social media widget also provides a sneak into your social media presence. So if someone is unaware of your social media existence they get to know about it, and also they have the option to follow you on respective social media platforms, strengthening your social media presence.

On your website and create a positive impression

Embedding a social media widget to the website is an amazing way to add great charm to your website and create a positive impression, and we all know all these factors help a business to attain its objectives and establish itself in the market. So what are you waiting for? Embed the social media widget to your website, now!

5 Key Benefits of social feeds widget for website | SEO WEB AGENCY

What are the benefits of social media feeds for a website?

Social media feeds are widgets created by social media aggregators that consist of content from different social networking channels. For instance, in one wall-like layout, social media feeds can display all the brand-related content from various social media pages. You would need a social media aggregator to access accounts and fetch the content that mentions your account or a related hashtag.

There are many key benefits of embedding social media feeds on your website using a free social media aggregator tool like Tagembed:

1. Aggregates Your Various Social Media Profiles in One Place

2. Improves Your Website’s Presentation

3. Displays User-Generated Content

4. Engages Your Visitors

5. Increases Your Visitor’s Dwell-Time

6. Reduces Bounce Rate

7. Enhances Conversion Rates

8. Builds Social Trust

The social media aggregator is the ultimate tool that allows you to aggregate social media feeds from all digital platforms, curate them, and embed them on a website. Use free tools like Tagembed the free social media aggregator. The best thing about Tagembed is, it is a free forever tool for you, means you don’t have to pay anything for its free plan.

Think of Facebook ads as a long term investment

How to add a Facebook feed to your WordPress Website?

Want to make your WordPress website interesting? Take a step ahead of the crowd and make your website engaging by creating a link between the best social media platform and your WordPress website.

Embed your Facebook feed on your WordPress website with just a few easy steps and make your website attractive and pleasing to the eyes of your visitors.

Click on the link to Sign Up to Tagembed.

Sign Up to Tag Embed to create your account.

If you already have an account, log in by using your, Google or Facebook account.

Or you can simply enter your credentials.

You will land on the Tagembed Dashboard window.

Click on the Create Widget button, in the top right corner of your screen.

Give an appropriate name to your feed and click on, Create Widget button.

Click on, Add Feed button on your screen.

Tag embed helps you to fetch feeds from various sources like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others.

Choose, Facebook, as your source.

You have various options to create your, Facebook feed.

The page will fetch posts from your Facebook Page using your Facebook page URL.

My Profile Posts gather the feed from your Facebook profile.

Albums will fetch albums from your Facebook profile. You can enter the album URL of the source that you want to display.

Page Reviews will assemble all the reviews posted by your users on your Facebook page.

Page mentions will collect all the posts that have your page mentions.

For this video, we will be choosing, Page, as our source.

Provide your page URL and click on the continue with Facebook button.


Your Facebook widget is ready.

You can even personalize your widget by clicking, Personalize option, on the left side of your screen.

You can use the Themes tab, to choose from different themes and make your widget vibrant.

Use the background tab, to change the background.

Use the Banner tab to design or upload your banner image.

The Card Style tab, allows you to customize your, Card Style, select the appropriate, font style, card color, font size, and make further customizations.

Under, theme settings, you can change the width of the post and adjust post spacing.

After making desired modifications, click on, Apply Settings button.

Your personalized Facebook widget is ready.

Now, it’s time to embed a Facebook feed on your website.

Click on the Embed Widget button in the bottom left corner of your window.

Tag embed provides a wide range of platforms, where you can embed your feed.

In this video, we will be selecting WordPress as our platform.

The pop-up allows you to adjust the height and width of your widget according to your preference.

If you already have the WordPress plugin installed, then you don’t need the customized code.

You can also download the plugin by clicking on the download button.

Or else, click on, Get Code Button, to get the personalized code.

Copy the code.

And paste it on the backend of your website.

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