Content + Keywords + SEO = Your Website Page #1 on Google

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Content + Keywords + SEO = Your Website Page #1 on Google | SEO CONSULTANT WEB AGENCY


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Content + Keywords + SEO = Your Website Page #1 on Google | SEO CONSULTANT WEB AGENCY


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After how long can we measure the results of SEO?

It’s one of the most common questions. The time to observe progressive results of your site depends on many factors, but if the audit does not detect anything strange, it can range from a few weeks to several months. By experience, we establish a first positive assessment after 3 – 6 months, after the implementation of the technical recommendations. Uncompetitive or long-tail keywords will benefit from these enhancements first, and SEO traffic (in Google Analytics) will increase. On your keywords presenting a stronger competition, a well-done editorial optimization will be necessary as well as linking to position oneself in the first positions.

Why use the services of an SEO Web agency?

If you have never used a specialized agency to optimize your website, there is a good chance that your site does not currently follow the main recommendations of Google. An SEO service will improve the quality of your site, to conform to the expectations of search engines and especially to orient it in the right direction and to the first page of the results.

How much does an SEO service cost?

At SEO Trench, we adapt to the demands of each of our customers. Our price-performance ratio is competitive, with most SEO agencies in Quebec. We prefer a win/win Exchange. Contact one of our experts who will explain our business approach in more detail.

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How can I control the results of your SEO services?

We carry out with each of our customers a monthly report with the positions, traffic, and activity. We know the importance of customer follow-up and support. We are therefore always available to answer questions from our customers. Our collaboration will be ensured by an SEO team leader.

Invest in AdWords campaigns and also in SEO?

It’s an interesting strategy. The 2 techniques are complementary and increase your visibility on Google. Although AdWords campaigns are less cost-effective and less practical than natural SEO, they allow early testing to identify relevant keywords.

What does SEO mean? – Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a 3-letter acronym for Search Engine Optimization. Simply put, this is the optimization of a website to reach the first places of results on the various search engines Google, Yahoo, and Bing. SEO, commonly called “SEO” brings together all the optimization techniques to make a site more visible and understandable to search engine robots. SEO is in common language, strictly the same thing that is the positioning of a page or a web site in the pages of search engine results.

This is the most reliable way to make a website profitable. To obtain results, it is essential to respect the rules given by Google. The SEO, in the strict sense of the term, means the optimizations made “on-site” either inside a site technical and editorial, while the notion of SEO uses a broader notion like the SEO of books in a library or a website on the internet. In natural SEO, the concept of linking or net linking seems more appropriate because natural SEO techniques also make use of off-site optimizations. But these are only adjustments of language, in fact, and in everyday life, SEO and SEO define the same job identically.

Why is SEO important to your website?

Today, Google generates 45,000 searches per second, or 3.6 billion searches per day, and accounts for nearly 92% of the search volume in Canada. You have millions of internet users who query search engines through different keywords when they look for information or a product. A good team from SEOs is the key to winning a spot in the top 5 on page one.

It is therefore essential to be present among the first 5 results proposed on its expressions if one wants to acquire qualified traffic and make sales. Hundreds of websites have made their fortune in Canada only by positioning themselves in natural SEO. To do this, you must have a website that has been done correctly, which is well optimized, and that meets the main criteria of Google.

How long does it take to appear on Google?

There is officially no time defined by Google to start indexing your website. This time can vary from a few minutes to several weeks depending on many criteria such as:

  • The popularity of the website (some call it linking)
  • The ability of the site to be crawled by robots
  • The level of technical optimization of the code
  • Structure of internal links
  • Quality of content

In short, the indexing time on Google remains quite variable and enigmatic for many SEO agencies and e-marketing professionals. However, the average time recorded is about 2 minutes to 10 days. In order to accelerate this time, we advise our clients to publish regularly on social networks and to be active enough from the launch of their site to accelerate indexing by search engines and by deduction of their SEO.

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Why is my website not showing in Google search?

First of all, you must check that the pages of your site have been indexed by search engines because otherwise, your site will never appear. For this, nothing more simple, go on and type the following query: If your website does not appear, it is that Google has not indexed it. There are 3 levels in the SEO:

  •  Markup Technique, well-structured URL, text robot
  • Editorial qualitative content, optimized SEO, updated regularly
  • The popularity of incoming links, social signals, active community

If you respect the above three points, your chances of success are favorable! But again, there are now more than 200 SEO criteria. It is, therefore, difficult to answer this question very briefly. You can already get some answers by doing an SEO audit of your site through our services. Our audit will tell you a lot about your possibilities.

What is Click Fraud?

This type of fraud is particularly problematic when we establish a cost-per-click agreement with a publisher. For example, you establish with the publisher that you are willing to pay up to $1 for each click generated on your ad, but will not pay for the number of times you appear, i.e. the CPM model (cost per thousand).

We can sign this kind of agreement with many networks, but I will focus my post on search engines. Click fraud occurs when a person (such as a competitor) or an automated computer program poses as a real user and clicks excessively on advertisers’ ads in order to generate fees for them.

In order to reassure their clients, search engines are starting to integrate invalid click monitoring tools into their client campaign management interface. In other words, you can quickly know how many invalid clicks Google detects. These clicks will obviously not be charged to you.

Try to invest your marketing budget with search engines offering this service. A good way to identify undetected search engine fraud is to compare your conversion rates. Your conversion may be selling your products online, signing up for your email newsletter, etc. An exceptionally low conversion rate is usually due to fraud on one of its networks. This method is a good homemade mammogram, but it can be difficult to report the percentage of fraudulent loss and get a refund.

What is the purpose of CAPTCHA on a Website and SEO?

As your website traffic boosts, some malicious bot traffic also increases, which can hurt your business, especially for e-commerce websites. The purpose of a CAPTCHA is to differentiate a real human user from a malicious computer program used by spammers and other hackers. It protects your website against bot threats such as web scraping, ticket scalping, account takeover, and ad fraud.
Traditional CAPTCHA identifies bots from legitimate users with cognitive challenges. Humans excel at visual recognition tasks, such as image or item recognition, while machines do not. However, with the development of machine learning, bots are equipped for these cognitive tasks as well. Traditional CAPTCHAs must be more challenging to defend against sophisticated bot threats, leading to high user friction and reduced conversion rates.
To solve the security vs user experience problem, GeeTest developed AI-powered Slide Puzzle CAPTCHA in 2012. Instead of visual recognition challenge, GeeTest asks visitors to play a puzzle game. While visitors interact with the captcha, GeeTest collects data for its AI-powered risk engine to identify malicious features. In this way, GeeTest distinguishes legitimate humans with an intuitive interaction and relieves users from a challenge-based security burden.
GeeTest CAPTCHA can be used for login, register, comment, gravity form, and many more places required to tell humans and robots apart.
Content + Keywords + SEO = Your Website Page #1 on Google | SEO CONSULTANT WEB AGENCY

How do I know if my site is optimized for SEO?

If you want to know if your website is well optimized, there is a straightforward way to make a small test. Simply switch to private browsing mode on your Google Chrome browser to avoid possible customization of the results and then type in the various phrases and keywords you’ve worked hard on, to be present and see where you appear in the engine results. If the results are not there, it means that the work has been done badly. Try this free SERP checker toll you will save a lot of time. With this tool, ex: the result 54 means page 6, you need to count all the PPC ads.

Request an SEO audit

An excellent way to get things right would be to ask an SEO expert to do an SEO audit. Most agencies and independent experts in Canada will charge you for this audit. To determine if your website requires SEO optimization.

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What is the ideal page size to be on Google?

There is no ideal critical page volume to be positioned. Google treats big sites like small ones. On the other hand, a large site will have a better chance of placing a page: it is a matter of probability. So the more competitive your keywords are, the more likely you are to have a large page volume.

The evolution of SEO since the beginning of Google?

SEO is a complicated discipline that has dramatically evolved since its creation by Google in 1998. The firm of Mountain View changes its algorithm permanently (3 months), and the SEOs must evolve with these changes. Matt Cutts from Google explains during video interviews several times that more than  600 algorithm updates are made each year. In this way, techniques evolve and succeed each other. Attention, Google is increasingly tracking those who seek to take shortcuts and freedoms to the Google guidelines.

montreal SEO Google Website Content Keywords Web SEO Agency

How to find the best keywords?

Several sources may allow you to find keywords for your website and your AdWords campaigns, the most common are:

  • Your mind and your knowledge of your market.
  • Your competitors, their titles and Meta keywords tags are often beneficial.
  • Research suggestions,  MSN/Bing.
  • And of course free and paid tools on the web.

SEO Google Website Contents Keywords Web SEO Agencys

How to Choose your keywords?

You have to understand something important: a search engine is nothing more or less than a robot. This robot does not understand your writing, does not speak any language, and has no particular mind of synthesis. You have to be careful to choose your keywords to communicate effectively with these robots.

How to select the right keywords?

To select the right key phrases here is a summary of what you need to check to make sure you have made the right choice: start by prioritizing your keywords in 3 categories:

  • Generic keywords will allow you to generate a traffic volume, not always qualified, but on the mass, a small percentage may be interested in your offers. Example: Restaurant
  • Middle keywords define expressions that are generally close to your products, but not necessarily the right declination but approaching. Example: Restaurant Toronto
  • The long-track keyword is usually the keyword that brings the most conversion to your site, only it generates very few requests per month, so remember to have several. Example: Best Toronto Restaurant

You will note that the 3rd request is much more precise and clearly demonstrates the internet user’s intention to want to eat and precisely in which City. It is, therefore, this expression will be your priority in positioning. Since the long train is less demanding, it is less competitive. Becoming first on Google on these expressions will, therefore, be simpler and faster than trying the keyword: Restaurant.

How do I validate a keyword?

The analysis that needs to be done next is quite simple. It is enough to associate with each expression that you will have determined according to the previous methodology, a figure of type ” how many times this request is formulated in the search engine? “You can access this information by creating an Adwords account and a campaign. The Google Keywords planner gives you the number of times the keyword is potentially searched per month.

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What is a long-tail keyword?

A long string keyword (more precisely a long string query) is a keyword rarely submitted on Google or a variation (keyword + qualifying) more seldom requested. Example: “Restaurant Downtown Toronto not expensive”; it is understood immediately that this request is very qualified and that if your website speaks on this subject and that your SEO allows you good visibility in the results of Google, you will have no difficulty finding a motivated Customer. Long-latency keywords often make up the vast majority of website queries and a very substantial part of their traffic acquisition. The long trail is the one with the highest conversion rate for an e-commerce site.

What is a targeted or generic keyword?

A generic keyword is used by a majority of internet users to designate a product, a service, or merely an institution shopping center, travel, car, or real estate. From a semantic point of view, generic keywords include other keywords in the less generic sector of jewelry, Cuba, and home. A targeted keyword is the most often qualified engagement ring, a wedding ring. Keywords are this prioritized when an SEO editorial expert studies keywords.

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When does a website’s SEO start?

When you think of “creating a website,” the first thing that comes to mind is the user experience pages, design, and possibly ergonomics. Indeed, design takes an essential place in the time (and budget) allocated to a redesign. But what it follows is the mechanical part and the SEO which they must think of the preamble. The editorial section is done, during and after, while the linking will begin as soon as the site is put online.

What are the critical steps to a successful SEO?

A successful SEO campaign mainly needs to act on these three steps:

Technical developments: First of all, a professional study focused on SEO must be carried out to identify and correct any technical problems that prevent robots from crawling the site correctly. The more technically compatible your website is with robots, the more they will understand what your activity is and what your keywords are. Good practices generally focus on these points: 3 structure, performance, ergonomics, internal mesh, and more.

But some recommendations must be taken as soon as the site is redesigned or created so that it is SEO friendly, it complies with SEO standards generally imposed by Google.

Content creation: To begin, a keyword study must be established to allow you to understand the search trends of Internet users around your business. This foundation is essential for the editorial optimization of your site and the creation of quality content or the modification of existing content.

Popularity: Netlinking, or social linking, was once the backbone of the referee war. A popularity campaign can be conducted to give your site a reputation on the web among people potentially interested in your products/services. The goal is to increase the frequency with which robots pass over it.

What is the difference between the H1 title and the title tag?

The tag (h for “heading” in English) which is located in the HTML content, has a main title function in the body of the page. This tag should not be too short or too long and should be unique on each page. But it is also used to deploy the tags, which allows you to create headings in an article.

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How many words must a web page content be relevant?

It depends on the type of page category 400 words, product 700 words, and articles 1500 – 2000 magic is 1980 words. A sufficient amount of text will allow Google to identify the lexical field specific to your activity correctly. From a positioning point of view, this will bring targeted traffic and trailing traffic to the page, thus positioning itself on many qualified requests.

How to write a title tag?

The writing of a meta TITLE must be based on several criteria. These tags must have enough characters to validate the reading of the search engine. It must describe the text of the page correctly and not contain the same keyword several times. This meta tag should also, if possible, be unique on the web.

What are the best practices for intertitles?

For the highlighting of headings, there is no ideal model, but there is an emphasis to be respected so that it is effective. The first thing to establish is to use the main keywords that correspond to the subject of your article and also that it is understandable to users, so do not add keywords and that it is too long for it to be perceived at a glance.

SEO Google Website Contents Keywords Web SEO Agencys

What is the code/text ratio?

This ratio allows you to see the relevance of the content of a page by comparing the number of lines of VS text and the number of lines of code (HTML). The lower this ratio will be, the more writing is essential so a priori a better page quality for the user (VS for the robot). By creating pages with more “clean” code, you reduce the number of lines of code and thus lower this ratio.

  • We will study the architecture of your new website. First of all, you must prepare a study for your future site. Then define a plan for your pages, structured in different levels to favor the indexing of your website on Google. It is essential to respect this balance so that content can be easily indexed by search engines and gain visibility.
  • We will Create or optimize your new content. To optimize your content, don’t forget to optimize each of your pages on a keyword or expression in order to position yourself on it. Because the importance of content has a lot of impact and weight with Google when it is published. If you plan to make further advancements in optimizing your pages on keywords and through internal links, you will need to do so before it goes into production.
  • Redirecting old pages to new ones: if you already had a website and it is a redesign, do not forget the redirects to announce to the robot the new address of the URL previously indexed. Carry over all the old pages and determine the similar pages on your new domain to proceed to a “301 redirection” (or permanent redirection) of your old pages to your new site.

How do search engine robots browse websites?

Search engine robots (also called spiders) crawl websites. These robots are computer programs that visit and browse the pages following the links (menu, links in the texts) linking the pages together (all forming the website). How to reduce the loading time of a page? The speed of loading a web page is an essential criterion for Google as well as for the SEO referencing of websites.

To improve this criterion, one of the main actions is to reduce the size of your pages and optimize their distribution by using, for example, CDNs. How to measure the loading time of a web page? Several tools offer us features to measure the loading time of a web page among them: GTMETRIX. A tool that crawls a page and measures its loading time among other optimization criteria. It provides information and recommendations that can help you to optimize the loading time of your site’s pages. You can find Gtmetrix at this address:

How to optimize the loading time of a page?

– The average loading time of the different page pages in this case of the site
– The number of pages visited
– The rebound rate
– The exit pages of the site etc.

What is editorial over-optimization or stuffing?

Editorial over-optimization can take many forms. The main one: the stuffing of stuffing words, consists in repeating a large number of times the main keyword of the page (in titles, headings, and text) thinking that this repetition overbid will serve to position the page on this expression. Over-optimization is considered to start above 4% of the density of a keyword.

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How to choose the right SEO agency?

Here are some questions that you may need to ask yourself before choosing your SEO agency. Even beyond the budget or the size of the company to support you. SEO agencies promise to increase the positioning of your keywords, to become first on Google, and to gain visibility. But how to choose a competent agency that is adapted to your needs? An SEO agency uses natural optimization methods to quickly increase your site’s visibility in SERP results in natural organic to bring high-quality targeted traffic to your site. The chosen SEO Agency will have to gather the 3 poles of expertise necessary to increase your indexing in Google’s results: technical, editorial, and linking.

The agency will have to position you on strategic keywords for your business by carefully selecting your qualified traffic-generating expressions and will help you work on the 200 signals that Google uses thanks to its search tool to score your site and its pages to position you. Please note that Google makes more than 600 improvements per year, and the algorithm changes about 3 times per day. (there is a video of the Google webmaster tool channel on YouTube about this.)

Think about it, if you don’t have the assistance of an SEO agency that monitors technologies on a daily basis, you risk losing visibility and traffic. That’s why an SEO team is committed to maintaining your rank continuously and relieves you of the need for regular monitoring. More than an obligation, natural referencing is a real opportunity to reach additional potential customers. That’s why the Web Agency understands the specific challenges your business faces, in addition to its objectives, before having the opportunity to build an SEO strategy that suits you.

What is your experience in my city?

Whether it’s in Toronto or Vancouver, the work stays the same. We have SEO partners across Canada and in countries such as the United States. Through regular collaborations with other agencies, we can provide, on request, SEO services on different continents.

What are the leading SEO techniques you use?

We follow an SEO process that has proven itself over the past 9 years and techniques that are always different and adapted to your situations and never our customers have been penalized, we will do everything to make Google fall in love with your website.


SEO is a marathon, not a sprint

We optimize the entirety of your site to go back to an unlimited number of Keywords, and the impact in the medium to long term will be enormous. But like any work, you have to be patient and capitalize on your website. Our objectives are to increase the overall visibility of your site. If recommendations are quickly integrated, your website will naturally rise in general from 3 to 4 months of work. We work with many clients in various sectors. We regularly conduct tests at our own test sites. 

This experience gives us vast knowledge in the field of e-commerce. That being said, during our collaboration, you will remain the specialist in your sector and these particularities, and we will ask you as such to validate the marketing and strategic questions related to your website.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information.

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