How to Write a Guest Post: Guest Blogging 101

Are you ready to take your brand to the next level with guest posting? Well, you’re in the right place. We’re about to take a deep dive into the nitty-gritty of guest posting. We’ll explore why it matters, how it can boost your brand, and – most importantly – how you can craft a guest post that strikes the perfect chord with your audience. Buckle up! 

Understanding the Basics

Before we delve into the art of writing a killer guest post, let’s establish some groundwork. Guest posting, for those who aren’t familiar, is essentially writing and publishing an article on someone else’s website or blog. It’s a proven strategy to build relationships, gain exposure, increase your brand credibility, and drive traffic to your own site.

Why Guest Posting Matters

Guest posting isn’t just a marketing buzzword – it’s an essential tool in any content writer’s toolbox. Here’s a real-life example: Imagine you’re at a networking event, and you overhear someone talking about a problem that you know your brand can solve. You wouldn’t just stand there in silence, would you? Of course not! You’d jump in and share your knowledge, creating a connection with a potential new customer. Guest posting works the same way but on a much larger scale.

By posting on other relevant blogs or websites, you’re placing yourself in front of an already-established audience that might not know your brand. It’s an opportunity to showcase your expertise, solve a problem, and connect with potential customers.

How Guest Posting Benefits Your Brand

Let’s tell another story. Picture this: You’re a small business owner selling eco-friendly household products. You’ve just started and are looking to grow your online presence. One day, you come across a blog with a large readership that’s all about green living and sustainability. Bingo! This is your chance to reach an audience that’s already interested in what you offer.

You write a guest post for this blog about the benefits of eco-friendly household products, making sure to link back to your website. Soon after the post is published, you start noticing an uptick in traffic to your site, new followers on your social media pages, and a spike in product sales. That’s the power of guest posting!

Identifying the Right Blogs for Guest Posting

Just like you wouldn’t fish in a pond that’s devoid of fish, you wouldn’t want to waste your time guest posting on a blog that doesn’t have the right audience for your brand. Identifying suitable blogs for guest posting is like laying the foundation for a house; get this part right, and everything else will follow smoothly. So, how do you find these goldmines? Let’s explore.

Researching Relevant Blogs in Your Niche

The first step in your quest to find the perfect blogs for guest posting is research. Start by making a list of keywords related to your niche. Using our eco-friendly products example, your list might include keywords like “green living,” “sustainable lifestyle,” and “eco-friendly products.”

Now, use these keywords to search for blogs on Google. Look for blogs that cover topics similar to what you offer. But don’t stop there. Dig deeper. Visit these blogs, read their content, and get a feel for their style and audience.

Consider subscribing to their newsletter or following them on social media. This will give you a better understanding of their content, tone, and audience engagement. The idea is to find blogs that align with your brand and can provide a valuable platform for your guest post.

Evaluating the Authority and Traffic of the Blog

Once you have a list of potential blogs, the next step is to evaluate them. Two important factors to consider here are the blog’s authority and traffic.

A blog with high authority is respected and trusted by its readers and the industry at large. It’s like a popular influencer; what they say carries weight. You can use tools like Moz’s Domain Authority to gauge a blog’s authority.

Traffic, on the other hand, refers to the number of visitors the blog receives. A high-traffic blog can give your brand increased visibility. Tools like SimilarWeb or Alexa can provide you an estimate of a blog’s traffic.

Remember, aim for quality over quantity. A guest post on a high-authority, high-traffic blog is far more valuable than multiple posts on lesser-known blogs.

Pitching for a Guest Post

With your list of target blogs in hand, it’s time to craft your pitch. This is your moment to shine, your opportunity to convince the blog owner that your guest post will be a valuable addition to their blog. Let’s learn how to do it right.

Crafting a Compelling Pitch

Your pitch is the first impression you make on the blog owner, so make it count. Start by addressing the blog owner by their name if possible – a little personal touch goes a long way.

Next, introduce yourself and explain why you’re reaching out. Mention something specific about their blog that resonated with you. This shows that you’ve taken the time to understand their blog and audience.

Then, propose your guest post idea. Briefly outline what your post would be about, why it would be valuable to their audience, and how it aligns with their existing content.

Finally, provide a call to action – ask them if they’d be interested in your guest post and assure them of your willingness to make any necessary adjustments to fit their blog’s style and guidelines.

Do’s and Don’ts While Pitching

Just like in any other form of communication, there are certain dos and don’ts while pitching for a guest post.


  • Keep your pitch concise and to the point. Blog owners receive numerous pitches daily, so respect their time.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the blog’s content and audience. This shows that you’ve done your homework.
  • Be professional and courteous.


  • Send a generic pitch. Personalize your pitch for each blog.
  • Be overly promotional. Remember, the goal is to provide value to the blog’s audience, not just promote your brand.
  • Get discouraged if you don’t get a positive response immediately. Keep refining your pitch, and don’t give up!

Pitching for a guest post is a skill that takes time and practice to perfect. But with these tips and tricks up your sleeve, you’re well on your way to becoming a guest posting pro!

Writing the Guest Post

Once your pitch is accepted, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start writing. This is your chance to showcase your knowledge, provide value to a new audience, and earn credibility for your brand. However, writing a guest post is more than just stringing together words. It’s about understanding the audience, selecting a valuable topic, and creating a well-structured, engaging, and informative piece. Let’s break it down.

Understanding the Blog’s Audience

The first step in writing a successful guest post is understanding the blog’s audience. Dive into the blog’s past content, reader comments, and social media interactions to get a sense of what resonates with their audience.

Are they beginners looking for basic information? Are they experts seeking in-depth insights? What problems are they trying to solve? What tone and language do they prefer? Understanding the audience will help you tailor your post to meet their needs and expectations.

Selecting a Topic that Adds Value

The topic you choose for your guest post should align with the blog’s theme, resonate with the audience, and add value. It should be something you are knowledgeable about and something the audience will benefit from.

For instance, if you’re writing for a blog about digital marketing, a post about “Top SEO Strategies for E-commerce” could be an excellent choice if it hasn’t been covered before or if you can offer a unique perspective.

Drafting an Outline for Your Post

Once you’ve chosen a topic, create an outline for your post. An outline will help you structure your thoughts, ensure a logical flow of ideas, and prevent you from straying off-topic.

Break your post into sections, each with a subheading (H3) and a few bullet points summarizing the key points. This structure not only helps in writing but also makes your post easier to read and digest for the audience.

Writing a Compelling Introduction

The introduction is the doorway to your post. It should be compelling enough to draw readers in and convince them to read the rest of your article.

Start with a hook – a surprising fact, a provocative question, or a bold statement. Then, introduce the topic and give a brief overview of what the reader can expect from your post. Make sure to keep your introduction concise, engaging, and relevant.

Delivering Quality and Original Content

Quality and originality are non-negotiable when it comes to guest posting. Provide unique insights, real-life examples, actionable tips, or the latest research to ensure your post is valuable and stands out from the crowd.

Avoid jargon and keep your language simple and clear. Write short sentences and paragraphs, use bullet points, and break up your text with line breaks to make your post easy to read.

Remember to adhere to the E-A-T principles (Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness) to ensure your content is reliable and trustworthy.

Concluding Effectively

The conclusion is your chance to wrap up your post neatly and leave a lasting impression on the readers. Summarize the key points of your post, provide a call-to-action (like encouraging comments, sharing on social media, or trying out a suggested tip), and thank the reader for their time.

Writing a guest post is a fine balance between showcasing your knowledge and providing value to the blog’s audience. But with these guidelines in mind, you’re all set to craft a guest post that’s engaging, informative, and impactful.

Optimizing the Guest Post for SEO

Optimizing your guest post for SEO isn’t just an add-on, it’s a necessity. SEO optimization can dramatically increase your post’s visibility, driving more traffic to the host blog and, by extension, your own site. But how do you go about it? Here, we’ll cover the basics of SEO, keyword usage, and the art of integrating backlinks into your content.

Understanding SEO Basics

Search engine optimization, or SEO, involves tweaking various elements of your content so it’s more likely to be picked up and ranked by search engines. At its core, SEO is about understanding what people are searching for and ensuring your content can be easily discovered.

While SEO is a deep and complex field, don’t let that intimidate you. As a guest blogger, there are a few basics you can keep in mind: relevance to your audience, keyword integration, backlinking, and quality content.

Proper Use of Keywords

Keywords are the words or phrases that people type into search engines. Including these keywords in your content can improve your chances of being found. However, it’s not about stuffing your content with keywords. Rather, it’s about integrating them naturally and contextually into your content.

Start by identifying a primary keyword for your post, one that is highly relevant to your content and has a good search volume. Then, sprinkle this keyword and related keywords throughout your post, including in the title, headings, and body text.

Integrating Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are links that point back to your website. They are like votes of confidence in your content from other sites. When you write a guest post, you usually get the opportunity to include a backlink or two in your bio or within the content itself.

However, it’s essential that these backlinks are relevant and point to quality content. Irrelevant or broken links can harm your SEO efforts.

Incorporating Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T)

Google’s search quality guidelines emphasize the importance of E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. These factors help determine whether your content provides value, and they are especially crucial when you’re writing a guest post. So how can you showcase E-A-T in your guest post? Let’s find out.

Demonstrating Your Expertise

Expertise refers to your knowledge and experience in your field. The more expertise you display in your content, the more valuable it is likely to be for the readers. Showcase your expertise by providing in-depth insights, discussing advanced topics, or sharing your unique experiences.

Remember, your expertise doesn’t always have to come from formal education or professional experience. If you’re a passionate hobbyist or an enthusiastic learner, that can translate into expertise too!

Establishing Your Authoritativeness

Authoritativeness is about your reputation in your field. This can be built by consistently creating high-quality content, getting published on reputable sites, and getting endorsements from other experts in your field.

When you’re writing a guest post, you can establish authoritativeness by linking to your other published work, mentioning any notable endorsements or achievements, and by delivering content that is accurate and well-researched.

Building Trust with the Readers

Trustworthiness means that readers can rely on your content. It’s about being honest, transparent, and respectful. Avoid making exaggerated claims, always credit your sources, and be responsive to comments or questions from readers.

A good trust-building exercise can be to include a brief bio at the end of your post, detailing who you are and why you’re qualified to write on the topic. This human touch can go a long way in building rapport with your audience.

Incorporating E-A-T in your guest posts can significantly enhance their value and appeal. So next time you’re invited to write a guest post, remember to demonstrate your expertise, establish your authoritativeness, and build trust with your readers.

Editing and Polishing the Guest Post

The importance of editing cannot be understated in the world of content creation. Editing is where good writing becomes great, as it allows you to refine your message, eliminate errors, and enhance readability. Let’s explore how self-review, peer review, and editing tools can help in this process.

Self-Review and Peer Review

After finishing your first draft, give it a thorough read to check for coherence, clarity, and tone. Be on the lookout for long sentences that could be broken down, unnecessary jargon, or complex ideas that could be simplified.

Next, engage a peer to review your post. A fresh set of eyes can provide new perspectives and identify issues that you might have missed. They can offer valuable feedback on the flow, structure, and comprehensibility of your content.

Using Editing Tools for Precision

In addition to manual review, editing tools can be a lifesaver. They can help identify issues with grammar, spelling, punctuation, and even style. Tools like Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, or ProWritingAid can give your content that polished, professional edge. Remember, even the best writers make mistakes. Editing tools are there to catch them.

Interacting with the Audience Post-Publication

Writing and publishing the guest post is just half the battle. What follows is equally important – interacting with your audience. Let’s dive into how responding to comments and promoting your post on social media can enhance engagement and reach.

Responding to Comments

Engaging with your readers in the comments section shows that you value their opinions and are open to discussion. It’s an opportunity to answer questions, clarify points, or simply thank readers for their time and feedback. Plus, it fosters a sense of community, encouraging readers to come back for more.

Promoting the Post on Social Media

Sharing your guest post on social media is a great way to extend its reach. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram can put your content in front of a vast audience. Plus, it can drive more traffic to the host blog, fostering a stronger relationship with the blog owner.

Don’t just share the link and forget about it, though. Engage with your audience. Respond to their comments, thank them for their shares, and participate in the conversations your post sparks.

Final Thoughts

In this era of digital marketing, guest posting remains a powerful tool to enhance your brand’s reach, authority, and SEO ranking. But it’s more than just writing a post and calling it a day. It’s about understanding the audience, delivering valuable content, optimizing for SEO, and engaging with your readers post-publication.

Read more: How to Submit a Guest Post and Get Published

Read more: How to Find Guest Post Opportunities

So what’s next?

It’s time to put these tips into action. Identify blogs in your niche, craft your pitch, and start writing that exceptional guest post. Remember, every piece of content you create is a reflection of your brand. Make it count.

Ready to take the next step? I invite you to delve deeper into content writing and SEO. Continue learning, continue growing, and continue creating content that resonates with your audience. You’ve got this!

Now, get out there and start guest posting. Good luck!

Picture of Anaïs Dubois
Anaïs Dubois

As a student at Columbia University, New York, I have a real passion for journalism. I love telling stories and am constantly drawn to current events. My goal is to uncover the truth, bring attention to important issues and make a positive impact through my work.

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