SEO SMO SEM 2025 Digital Marketing Article
TOP recommendations for 2025!
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As a student at Columbia University, New York, I have a real passion for journalism. I love telling stories and am constantly drawn to current events. My goal is to uncover the truth, bring attention to important issues and make a positive impact through my work.
We are glad that you are interested, we invite Digital Marketing experts to share their 2025 stories, opinions, and voice with our audience. Although we are very particular about what goes on our blog, we do read every guest post request we receive. However, please do not send us any requests without reading the guidelines because we would reject requests that do not adhere to our guidelines.
There are a lot of people who said about guest posting that it’s dead in this era and also, said about SEO is dead. Because of Guest posting sites, blogging is still an easy and simple exercise to be ranked and on top.
Looking for guest posting sites to publish your articles? You can find a guest posting website by just searching “Write for Us” or “guest post”. But despite all that, we miss the gem of blogs, no matter how hard we try. Guest posting is one of the best SEO techniques used to improve a site’s authority and SERP. I have already written some guides on how Guest Posting works in 2025 and how you can perfectly pitch guest posts to site owners. Be sure to read those if you are new to the field.
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What is Guest Posting
Guest posting is also known as blogging, blog post, write for us, looking for a guest post, guest article, submit blog post and many more search terms are available.
It’s a valuable off-page activity that is used by SEO people and written for the other website. Valuable authority from that website, and exposure that is building some relations to the company.
What is the Need for Guest Posting
While there are a lot of Off-Page activities that are performed for getting backlinks Search engine also recommends more to sites that get back the backlinks through guest posting or blog posting methods. There are the reasons:
- This activity can build your brand’s awareness among the people
- There are a lot of chances to get traffic from a particular website.
- Your website would be admired by the search engine.
- Try this on a search engine!
How Guest Posting Works?
Blog posting is the term where people or publishers publish their blog on another website or post their blog on another website that has higher values and authority. Because In SEO, this method is used for getting backlinks, and some other people use this method to showcase their valuable content to the publishers and as a reference to their customers.
There are a lot of search terms which is used these days to search guest posting site lists, If you don’t know how to publish a guest post or find guest blogging sites, you can hire someone to do that for you.
We cover SEM SEO SEA SMO Digital marketing including
- Advice from the Experts – Marketing – SEO
- Blogging Tutorials
- Competitive Analysis/Competition
- Content Marketing
- Conversion Optimization
- Digital Advertising
- E-mail Marketing
- Google Analytics
- How to Repurpose Your Snapchat Stories
- Influencer Marketing
- Making Money with Your Website
- Marketing Automation
- Marketing Metrics & Measurement
- Marketing Operations & Management
- Marketing Strategy
- Mobile Apps
- Online Innovation
- Podcasting
- PPC – Pay per click 2025
- Reputation Management
- Running a remote team/company
- SEO – Search Engine Optimization – Expert knowledge only – we already have a topic for beginner
- SEO Case Studies 2025
- SEO tools Tutorials
- Small Business
- Social Media Updates Using Free Tools
- Social Media/Influencer Marketing
- Social Networks: TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Weixin, QQ, Douyin, Sina, Telegram, Kuaishou, Reddit
- Start-up Marketing
- Web Traffic Generation
- Website Analytics
- Website Design
- WordPress Plugins and Tutorials
- YouTube Marketing
Guidelines 2025
We believe in the power of sharing, and we are very selective. If you have something you would like to share with us, send your ideas to the email address below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible (12 – 48 hours). We receive a lot of requests. Please be patient with us. We would be more than happy to publish your post as long as the following guidelines are met: Before you write or submit a story to us, we want you to know our guidelines. We request you to read these guidelines carefully and adhere to them:
Basics first, your article should not have grammatical or language errors. Your story should be informative, interactive, and interesting. Every post on our blog aims to give valuable information to our users, helping them hone their digital marketing skills, or keeping them updated.
- A very good site to publish a guest post in the world of digital marketing
Don’t send us chunks of text lying on a Word doc. Your article should be well-structured with subheadings, bullets, quotes, and images in HD. Don’t be a business speaking to humans. We are humans giving information to fellow humans, so sounds like one in your story. Talk in the first person and speak to the readers directly. The content must be fresh and relevant to our site. You can write more if you have more valuable and useful points to mention.
When an administrator of a website asks money for a post, we call that a Sponsored Post, In the eyes of Google, you have paid for a backlink, it is not a guest post anymore. Example: has never asked for money to be a contributor.
Your post can be of any length over 900 words as long as it contains quality content. Write quality articles for our audience. Don’t use your content as an advertising matter. Research-based and in-depth study articles on SEO are welcome. Articles spinning generated by the software are not accepted. We won’t publish any article with plagiarized content.
Don’t submit us any copied and modified content. We check your articles through multiple levels of plagiarism. Keyword-stuffed articles are not considered. Write informative, resourceful, and enticing content for the audience.
- We accept articles in English, Spanish, and French content.
- The minimum length of your article should be 900 words; we don’t have a word limit.
- The story should be unique and not published elsewhere.
- The title of your post must be catchy and engaging.
- Do not promote any service or product in your story.
- Video file or embed (URL) YouTube, FaceBook, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Jetpack, Wistia, Vidyard, Sprout Video, Viewbix, Brightcove, Cincopa, Bonjoro, Hippo Video, JW Player is not accepted. IGVT is accepted now.
- Submit us only articles written within the scope of SEM SEO SEA SMO.
- If your article mentions businesses or companies with which you are associated, mention that to our readers.
- Once your article has been published, you can’t post it anywhere on the web.
- Our articles are for the benefit of our readers, so we don’t allow promotion in the post.
- Anything you want to say about yourself, you can mention it in your bio.
- We reserve the right to alter your content according to our blog style and update it in the future.
- We do not allow promotional links “ex: Amazon” in your article.
If you don’t follow the above guidelines, you most likely will not hear from us.
What happens if your story is selected for publication?
- If we select your story, it is sent for review. If it requires any changes, we send it back with our comments.
- We have the right to edit the article or its title.
- We can republish the story or share it on any social channel giving due credit to the author.
- We don’t publish press releases and product or service reviews.
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Don’t use inappropriate images or copyrighted images owned by someone else. Please give the source of statistics and images or use free royalty website photos. The minimum size is 1400x large. Send us your large screenshots we will crop them later, more simple for everyone.
How to submit your guest post?
Create your ready-to-publish article minimum of 900 words. Turn your post into an editable Google Doc. Google can be finicky, which means creating your post as a Google Doc. Cutting and pasting if you’ve written it in Word rather than uploading a Word Doc to Drive. With four to ten HD image files or URLs (including attribution) attached.
The first thing we will check; does the content contains plagiarism. If we even find just a line of plagiarism. We will refuse your Guest post. We want a 100 percent original copy. Do not waste your time with us. A guest post of fewer than 900 words, will also be refused, your Title – Meta description, and biography is not part of 900, the form is at the bottom of the page.
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Even Matthew talks about it –
How long does it take for my site to be removed from Ahrefs?
This is not immediate and will take some time for AhrefsBot to read your robots.txt. You can expect that we will begin to drop blocked pages from the index in about 2 months’ time. Ahrefs will still continue to collect and show links pointing to this site from other domains since blocking AhrefsBot in robots.txt does not prevent indexing backlinks from other websites.
Where Do You Need SEO Article Writing?
You need to be constantly thinking of search engine optimization factors wherever you write online. If you want to earn money from ads on your articles, lots of people need to see them. The only way that will happen is if your article gets onto page 1 of Google’s search results. You need to be thinking about SEO article writing when you are writing blog posts and forum posts, too, if you want any of the search engines to find them. The big three, Google, Yahoo, and Bing all rank an article higher if it is optimized for their spiders to read.
How to present your content as an author in the health industry
With the growing time, people are getting more and more dependent on technology. Almost everyone finds it convenient to search their queries on search engines like Google before consulting a healthcare professional or to know how their body is doing and whether they need a doctor or not. Keeping all these things in mind, healthcare content writing is consistently profitable. Its value comes with the responsibility of providing valuable and correct information to your readers.
Why Do You Need to Improve Your SEO Article Writing?
Large amounts of money change hands as website owners pay SEO companies to get them to the top of Google’s search results. Some companies charge $1,500 – $7,000 a month, just to get you in the top five! SEO professionals have analyzed how search engines, especially Google, rank different articles and websites. SEO knowledge falls to the ground and has become general knowledge amongst website owners, who use these to improve their own search engine ranking. More and more website owners use these search engine optimization techniques, so the chances of a high search engine ranking without using SEO techniques fall.
Improve your SEO if you are serious about earning money, or forget the whole business because everyone else is improving theirs, and your website or articles will soon be buried.
How Do You Improve the SEO of Your Article Writing?
To be totally upfront, nobody actually knows, except a handful of employees at Google. People have statistical analyses, showing this, and that will improve your search engine ranking, and that is what people preach as good SEO techniques. Google also changes its rules every six months or so, just to confuse everyone even more. They do this because of the way webmasters game the system; Google only wants “natural” search results and dislikes the idea of people artificially getting their websites higher than they should be.
How does Google decide what results to show?
Google has three sets of customers:
- People who search
- Businesses that buy advertising space
- website owners who sell advertising space
The three groups are linked because Google sells space on its results pages to advertisers. Google also places ads on websites for businesses and takes a cut of any advertising income. Google tries to present a searcher with a perfect set of results. Perfect results are pages that match up to whatever the Searcher was looking for. All search engines use software to analyze every web page on the Internet. It uses the analysis results to work out which pages match a searcher’s needs the best. SEO is about convincing Google that your page has what the searcher is looking for. You need to decide which searchers you are going to target with your article.
How Do You Decide Which Searchers to Target?
Some searchers are more profitable than others. This is because advertisers will pay more to put their ads in front of certain searches. Advertisers will pay $40 a click to show their ads to some searchers.
There are four parts to deciding which searchers to target with your SEO article:
- How many searchers there are looking for a particular piece of knowledge
- How much advertisers will pay to place their ads in front of those searchers
- How many other websites are already competing for those searchers
- How likely those searchers are to click on Google’s ads
The Google Adsense free keyword tool will tell you this
If you click on any item in the left column of the results, the Adsense keyword tool gives you, you can see which websites are top of Google’s search results. You can also use the all-in title: Your Keyword Phrase command to see the number of competing sites that use your keyword phrase in their title.
If there is an article page already on page 1 of the search results, then you have a chance. You can compete with blogs and article sites. The only tool I know of that will tell you the likelihood of searchers clicking is Market Samurai. This software has a free trial, so download it and do all your research during your trial. It also gives you the information from all 5 points in one table.
If you want to start without Market Samurai you can use a simple rule of thumb; People click on ads on review articles and articles that solve urgent problems. Articles that provide all the information get a few clicks. Information articles get a few clicks. It is only once you have chosen a keyword phrase that you have a chance that you can even start looking at SEO. There are two parts of search engine optimization; On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.
How Do You Improve Your On-Page Article SEO?
- Use your keyword phrase in your title
- Use your keyword phrase in H1 & H2 subheadings, twice
- Use your keyword scattered through your article, but only as often as reads naturally. Use a few instances where your keyword phrase is broken up, but still in the same order
- Use synonyms for your keyword scattered throughout your article
- Use related terms that Google expects to see, e.g., This article is mostly about Google, but I have included “Yahoo” and “Bing” in it as well
- If you use images, use Titles and Alt Text that include your keyword
- Use your keywords in your page or post description and tags
How Do You Improve Your Off-Page SEO?
- Get Links to your article from bookmark sites
- Get links into your article from sites that accept guest post
- Get links to your article from RSS feeds
- Get links to your article from social networking sites
- Get links into your article by guest posting on blogs
- Guest post search operators
The History of the guest post
There’s a bit of debate around the first stages of guest posting, much like the rest of its history — in the first half of the nineties, for example, there wasn’t a ton of online record-keeping, and most primitive blogs are either now archived or nowhere to be found.
Many of these original bloggers — despite not having yet earned that title — were the same people who first understood the value of the World Wide Web in the 1980s. One of them was then-Swarthmore-College undergrad, Justin Hall, who created a site called in January 1994. It was essentially a review of HTML examples he came across from various online links, but it was enough for the New York Times Magazine to dub him the “founding father of personal bloggers”.
In that article, Hall brought up the semantics of blogging, and how he was assigned many titles during his primary days online. “When I first started [blogging], they called it a personal home page,” he said, “then they said I’m one of the first Web diarists, and now I’m one of the first Web bloggers.”
That same year, Claudio Pinhanez (who today is a Social Data Analytics Senior Manager at IBM) began to log short entries into what he called an “Open Diary.” But it wasn’t until December 1997 that the term “weblog” came to be. It was first used by Jorn Barger, creator of the website Robot Wisdom. He pioneered the term to describe a “log” of his internet activity, much like Hall did in 1994, which largely amounted to a list of the links he visited.
That may have set the tone for the new era of blogging that would follow less than a year later when blogging-specific platforms began to debut.
The later part of the nineties saw an uprising in resources created just for bloggers. One of them, Open Diary, launched in October 1998 and became one of the most pivotal blogging platforms — its name, was a nod to its open, community approach to blogging, as Open Diary was the first of its kind to have a membership model that allowed members of the community to comment on the work of others.
In 1999 — though no one is quite sure exactly when — then-programmer Peter Merholz (who later went on to head up design at Groupon, OpenTable, and Jawbone, among others) shortened the term “weblog” to “blog.”
It was part of a period that displayed an influx of blogging opportunities, with each platform attempting to boast its own unique set of features for a particular audience. In 1999 alone, Blogger, (which would go on to be acquired by Google) and LiveJournal all launched.
Is guest posting safe in SEO?
In terms of link quality, guest blogging is still the best link-building strategy for 2025. Guest Blogging allows you to target high-quality websites and improve your chances of successfully securing backlinks. What’s even better is that once you guest post on one website, you can create lasting relationships and contribute regularly to get more natural backlinks.
Guest blogging as an SEO strategy is extremely effective. Not only does creating guest content on other sites help your SEO, but it also exposes your content/brand to a new audience as well as provides backlinks to your website.
At SEO Trench we believe guest blogging still has its value in 2025 if you post to a related industry site. “As a local business contractor, I can guest blog for a home interior renovation or patio deck installation company that also serves my city.” This way, I get both SEO value and attract readers within my local key demographic.
Guest blogging is a very effective SEO strategy. Backlinks are still the number one way in 2025 to get your site to rank, and guest blogging is a great way to do that. Plus, it helps you or a staff member solidify their place as an expert on a particular topic. – write for us interior design
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