How to Submit a Guest Post and Get Published

If you’ve ever wondered how to submit a guest post, you’re in the right place.

This article is a step-by-step guide designed to navigate you through the process.

Our goal is to help you get your content published and seen by a wider audience.

Expect a journey that’s packed with valuable insights, practical tips, and clear instructions.

Ready to get your writing out there?

Let’s dive in and learn together.

Understanding Guest Posting

Before we break down the ins and outs of submitting a guest post, let’s make sure we all know what we’re talking about. Grab a cup of coffee, and let’s explore the wonderful world of guest posting

Definition and Purpose of a Guest Post

Imagine you’ve been invited to a party. The host asks if you would like to say a few words to the guests. Now, this isn’t just any party; it’s a gathering of people who share your interests and might be keen to hear what you’ve got to say. In this scenario, the ‘party’ is another website or blog, and your ‘speech’ is the guest post.

A guest post is a piece of content you write and publish on someone else’s blog or website. It’s like being a guest speaker at a conference, sharing your knowledge, and networking with like-minded individuals. But why would you want to put your valuable content on someone else’s site, you ask? Here’s why:

  1. Exposure: By publishing your content on established platforms, you can tap into their audience base, thereby increasing your visibility and reach.
  2. Backlinks: Guest posts usually come with the sweet deal of getting a link back to your site. This is SEO gold, helping your site rank higher on search engines.
  3. Credibility: Contributing to reputable sites helps establish you as an authority in your field, enhancing your reputation.
  4. Networking: Guest posting opens doors to form connections with other industry leaders, paving the way for future collaborations.

How Guest Posting Contributes to Content Marketing and SEO

Still not convinced about the power of guest posting? Let’s talk about how it adds rocket fuel to your content marketing and SEO efforts.

Imagine you’re running a tech start-up. You’ve developed an innovative app that makes people’s lives easier. The problem is, you’re new in town, and not many people know about you or your awesome app. Here’s where guest posting comes in.

You write a stellar piece on “5 Ways Tech is Making Everyday Life Easier” and get it published on a popular tech blog. Their audience reads your article, loves it, and wants to learn more about your app. They click the link to your site embedded in the article, and voila! You have interested potential customers pouring into your site, all thanks to that one guest post.

This is content marketing at its finest, leveraging high-quality content to draw audiences to your product or service.

Identifying Target Blogs/Websites for Guest Posting

Let’s be honest. It’s not just about submitting a guest post to any website. It’s about finding the perfect platform that aligns with your brand’s message and has an audience who could potentially be interested in what you have to offer. Here’s how you go about it.

Importance of Choosing the Right Platforms for Guest Posting

Imagine you’re a fitness expert, and you submit your guest post on ‘How to Stay Fit’ to a website that focuses on baking and dessert recipes. It doesn’t make sense, does it? The audience won’t find your content relevant, and you won’t gain any traction.

Choosing the right platform for your guest post is like choosing the right outfit for an occasion. You want to ensure that your content fits the theme of the blog or website and resonates with their audience. Making the right choice can elevate your brand, increase your reach, and boost your website’s SEO.

Tips to Identify Suitable Blogs/Websites in Your Niche

Looking for the perfect guest posting opportunity? Follow these tips:

  1. Follow Your Audience: Where does your target audience hang out? What blogs do they follow? These platforms should be your first port of call for guest posting.
  2. Look for Industry Leaders: Who are the thought leaders in your niche? Their blogs or websites are an excellent place to share your knowledge and gain exposure.
  3. Use Google: A simple Google search with terms like “your niche + guest post” or “your niche + write for us” can reveal plenty of opportunities.
  4. Check Out Your Competitors: Look at where your competitors are guest posting. These websites are likely to be interested in your content as well.

Tools and Techniques for Finding Guest Posting Opportunities

To streamline your search for guest posting opportunities, you can use tools like:

  1. BuzzSumo: Enter your topic or niche into BuzzSumo’s search bar, and it’ll give you a list of the most popular articles on that subject. You can then approach these websites for guest posting.
  2. Google Alerts: Set up Google alerts for terms like “your industry + guest post” to get real-time updates on new guest posting opportunities.
  3. Social Media: Use social media platforms to search for guest posting opportunities. Twitter, in particular, is a goldmine with influencers often posting calls for guest posts.

Evaluating Potential Guest Posting Sites

Found some potential guest posting sites? Great! But hold your horses. It’s not yet time to start writing that guest post. You first need to evaluate these sites to ensure they’re the right fit for your brand.

The Relevance of the Site’s Audience to Your Content

A website might be high-ranking, with loads of traffic, but if its audience isn’t interested in your niche, your guest post will likely fall on deaf ears. Therefore, you need to ensure that your content is relevant to the site’s audience.

Checking Website Metrics: Domain Authority, Traffic, and Social Engagement

Here’s where we get a little analytical. To make sure your efforts are worthwhile, you want to guest post on websites that have:

  1. High Domain Authority (DA): A higher DA means Google trusts the site, which boosts your SEO when you get a backlink from them.
  2. Decent Traffic: Check the website’s traffic using tools like SEMRush or SimilarWeb. More traffic means more eyeballs on your post.
  3. Social Engagement: Check if the website’s content gets shared on social media. A site with high social engagement will give your post wider visibility.

Reviewing the Site’s Content for Quality and Originality

Lastly, take a good look at the website’s content. Is it high quality? Is it original and not rehashed from other sources? Remember, you’re aligning your brand with this site, so you want to make sure it’s a good match. A website with quality, original content is likely to attract an engaged, loyal audience – just the kind of readers you want for your guest post.

Choosing the right platform and ensuring they’re the right fit takes a bit of work, but it’s worth it in the end. After all, your guest post isn’t just a one-off piece of content; it’s an extension of your brand.

Developing Your Guest Post Proposal

Got the perfect blog or website in your sights? Excellent! Now, it’s time to craft a guest post proposal that knocks their socks off. Let’s take a step-by-step approach to create a proposal that’s hard to ignore.

Crafting an Engaging Introduction

An engaging introduction is the hook that gets your foot in the door. Start by introducing yourself and briefly stating why you’re interested in guest posting on their site. Make it personal; mention an article of theirs that you particularly liked. It shows that you’ve taken the time to get to know their content, and it’s not a generic proposal.

Creating a Concise Outline of Your Intended Post

Next, present a brief outline of the guest post you plan to write. Make sure it’s something that fits their content strategy and will be valuable to their audience. Include the main points you plan to cover, and briefly describe how you’ll structure the article. This gives the site owner a clear idea of what they can expect from your guest post.

Establishing Your Expertise and Credentials

Why should they choose your guest post over someone else’s? That’s where establishing your credentials comes in. Share a bit about your background, your experience in the niche, any relevant qualifications you have, and link to your best writing samples. This step helps to build trust and assures them of your expertise and reliability.

Writing the Guest Post

So, your guest post proposal has been accepted. Congratulations! Now comes the real deal – writing the guest post. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Researching and Creating Original, High-Quality Content

Your guest post needs to provide solid, original information. Remember, this post isn’t just about gaining backlinks; it’s about showcasing your expertise, providing value to a new audience, and enhancing your brand image. So, put in the effort to create high-quality content. Research thoroughly, use reliable sources, and bring a unique perspective to the topic.

Following the Host Blog’s Guidelines

Each blog or website will have its own set of guidelines for guest posts. These may cover aspects such as the word count, tone of the content, formatting rules, link policy, and more. Make sure to follow these guidelines to a T. If you’re not sure about something, don’t hesitate to ask the site owner for clarification. Adhering to the guidelines shows respect for their platform and increases the chances of your post getting published.

Proofreading and Editing Your Post for Quality and Clarity

Before you hit ‘send’, take some time to thoroughly proofread and edit your guest post. Check for grammatical errors, unclear sentences, and awkward phrasing. Ensure that the post flows well and is easy to read. You can use tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor for this purpose. Remember, your post reflects your brand. Make sure it’s polished, professional, and perfect!

So, there you have it. Writing a guest post may seem like a lot of work, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience. Remember, the goal is to provide value, showcase your expertise, and build meaningful relationships within your niche.

Submitting Your Guest Post

You’ve identified the perfect site, crafted an engaging proposal, and written a high-quality article. Now, it’s time to take the final step – submitting your guest post. Let’s look at the process.

Contacting the Blog Owner or Content Manager

Your first point of contact will be either the blog owner or the content manager. Depending on the website, you might find submission guidelines that specify how to submit your post. If not, a polite, professional email will do the trick. Be sure to include your post outline and articulate why you believe it would be a good fit for their audience.

Sending Your Guest Post Proposal

When sending your guest post, make sure it’s neatly formatted and free of errors. Attach any accompanying images or graphics separately, and if there are links in your article, double-check that they all work correctly. If you have followed their guidelines and prepared a high-quality, relevant article, you’ve done your part.

Following Up On Your Submission

Don’t fret if you don’t hear back immediately. Blog owners and content managers often have busy schedules and many submissions to review. If you haven’t received a response within a reasonable time (usually 2 weeks), a gentle follow-up email is acceptable. Stay patient and professional throughout this process.

After Your Guest Post Is Published

Congrats, your guest post is live! But wait, your work isn’t over just yet. Here’s what you should do after your guest post is published.

Promoting Your Guest Post on Social Media and Other Platforms

The more views your post gets, the better it is for you and the host blog. So, take the initiative to promote your guest post. Share it on your social media channels, your newsletter, or even on your own blog. This not only drives traffic to your guest post but also shows your commitment to the host blog.

Responding to Comments on Your Guest Post

Engagement is key in digital content, and comments are a great form of engagement. Make sure to monitor your post for comments, and when they appear, take the time to respond. This interaction with readers helps build relationships and shows that you value their thoughts and feedback.

Tracking the Success of Your Guest Post

Keep track of how well your guest post is doing. This includes metrics like the number of views, shares, comments, and backlinks generated. Tools like Google Analytics or social media analytics platforms can help you with this. Tracking these metrics can provide valuable insights for your future guest posting endeavors.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Guest Posting

While guest posting is a fantastic strategy for growing your online presence, there are a few pitfalls that you should be aware of. Avoiding these common mistakes can make the difference between a successful guest post and one that falls flat.

Avoiding Spammy or Low-Quality Sites

The first rule of guest posting is to choose your host site wisely. Not all websites are created equal. Posting on spammy or low-quality sites can damage your reputation and SEO. Before you agree to post, make sure the site is reputable, relevant to your niche, and has an engaged audience.

Avoiding Duplicate Content or Plagiarism

When it comes to content, originality is crucial. Duplicate content or plagiarism is a serious offense in the digital world and can lead to penalties from search engines. Ensure all the material you provide is unique and provides valuable information to the reader.

Avoiding Overly Promotional Content

While the ultimate goal of guest posting might be to promote yourself or your business, avoid being overly promotional in your post. Readers are there for valuable content, not a sales pitch. Instead, focus on providing information and insights that are genuinely helpful to the reader.

Read more here: How to Find Guest Post Opportunities: Guest Blogging Strategies


So, there you have it! A comprehensive guide on how to submit a guest post. From understanding the purpose of guest posting, identifying target blogs, and developing your proposal, all the way to submission and post-publication actions, we’ve covered it all. We also touched upon the common mistakes to avoid in the process.

But remember, the key to a successful guest post lies not just in ticking off tasks on a checklist. It’s about creating value — for you, for the host blog, and most importantly, for the readers. By offering unique, high-quality content, you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche, reach a broader audience, and build strong relationships in the process.

Ready to make your mark with a guest post? Go ahead, get writing! And remember, every ‘No’ brings you closer to a ‘Yes.’ Keep learning, keep improving, and don’t give up. Happy guest posting!

Picture of Anaïs Dubois
Anaïs Dubois

As a student at Columbia University, New York, I have a real passion for journalism. I love telling stories and am constantly drawn to current events. My goal is to uncover the truth, bring attention to important issues and make a positive impact through my work.

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