Amazing Tips to Promote Your LinkedIn Profile

Amazing Tips to Promote Your LinkedIn Profile

Signing up on LinkedIn is the best way to apply for jobs these days. Recruiters are always on the lookout for talented candidates who can help their company increase in value. However, they’re looking for particular skills. Hence, they search for specific terms, filter out particular candidates, and then reach their final decision.

While the desired result may be the same as it was a decade ago, the process is different.

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Make Your Profile Keyword-Rich

This is something that you’re going to have to fathom right now. Whenever someone searches for something on the internet, they’re always using specific keywords. The same goes for your profile. Even modern HR programs isolate specific resumes based on different keywords. Hence, no matter how good your resume is, it always pays to optimize it with specific keywords.

So look at the industry that you’re in and observe the topics or skills that are trending right now. Optimize your CV and profile so that they’re searchable. Of course, you can’t hope to capitalize on every search that occurs, but it raises your chances of discovery.

  • You can hire LinkedIn bio writers to help you with this.

Don’t just look at your industry, but also the trends around your work right now. Look at what tech is contributing to your industry and what significant events are occurring. If you optimize your profile to be searchable for those events or those trends, you will more likely get traffic.

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Backlinks Always Help

If you’ve ever read any articles on digital marketing, you’ll know the importance of backlinks. These links improve the value of a webpage because they give legitimacy to it. If other pages are linking back to this page, it must have something of value. The more pages link back to it, the higher the value it carries and the better it will rank.

You can apply this to your LinkedIn profile by linking your blog or Facebook page with your LinkedIn profile. If your blog is already considered a high authority source, it’ll increase your LinkedIn profile’s ranking.

  • You can also link your profile to guest posts so that you can become more searchable to wider audiences.

This will do a couple of things. Firstly, it will help you rank higher on Google. This will result in more views, consistent traffic, and more endorsements. The new views will result in more interactions with your profile, and LinkedIn will favor that and award you points. This will result in your LinkedIn profile ranking higher.

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Regular Posting Creates Interest

LinkedIn isn’t just a website where you can post your profile and wait for recruiters to contact you. It’s a proper social network that you can use to network and improve your visibility in the professional space. Hence, you can use the posting feature on the network to promote your blog and share your views.

These posts and views can be about trending topics, regarding analysis, or just simple advice.

If you make this into a regular habit and post things that people consider valuable, your profile interactions will increase. You can even help your profile by engaging with other posts and adding to conversations.

The idea is that the more valuable posts you contribute, the higher your authority will become on a specific subject. This will not only help you get better offers, but speaking engagements, side gigs, and promotional work.

Amazing Tips to Promote Your LinkedIn Profile | SEO CONSULTANT WEB AGENCY

Use Hashtags in Your Posts

Don’t forget to use these. LinkedIn introduced hashtags in 2018, so use them to their full potential. Use them to rank for niche audiences, and expand your reach. While this may seem like a waste of time to some, it helps your posts and uploads rank better.

According to the Agorapulse Social Media Lab, a single hashtag helps LinkedIn posts receive 29.59% higher impressions.

Amazing Tips to Promote Your LinkedIn Profile | SEO CONSULTANT WEB AGENCY

Complete Your Profile

Too many people are guilty of avoiding this. They don’t consider the repercussions of leaving their profile unfinished. The truth is that every little bit that you add to your profile counts. This doesn’t mean that you should stuff in meaningless platitudes that don’t count for anything. However, it does mean that you do the essentials like uploading a professional image and listing down your skills.

The former is more important than you might think. There’s a lot of conventional wisdom out there that images aren’t required on a CV or resume. However, LinkedIn is a social network.

  • Uploading a professional photo isn’t an option here. Your profile picture is the first thing that the recruiter will see. Make sure that you get one professionally taken in formal attire. Remember that the first impression is often the last. Hence, your profile photo needs to be one that dazzles the recruiting or creates a good idea. 

Listing down your skills is another thing that people disregard most of the time. Companies have realized that skills are far more valuable than degrees. That is a revelation that is going to remain for a time.

  • It’s not enough that you list down your work experience on your profile; you should always list down essential skills. They communicate better to your recruiters what you’ve learned than your work experience does. Professional LinkedIn profile writers can help you list down capabilities that are optimized for search.

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Participate in Groups to Expand Your Network

As mentioned earlier, LinkedIn is a social network. That warrants that you participate in discussions, network, and join groups. Hence, joining groups that are relevant to your field and passions is necessary. They can connect you with people and help you look for job offers, speaking engagements, and even side gigs.

This is what networking essentially is on the internet. Joining groups and engaging in conversation around popular topics on the internet is the new “mingling at business functions.”

Group membership can also allow you to gain some footing and authority in professional circles. When you contribute to professional conversations and add to the discussion, it creates a good impression. People may want to speak with you again regarding other topics or seek your counsel. All this can work out in your favor when you try to apply for a job through contact or speak at an event. As they say, “motion creates emotion”.

Amazing Tips to Promote Your LinkedIn Profile | SEO CONSULTANT WEB AGENCY

Get Recommendations and Publish on Your Profile

This is an option that many may not be aware of on LinkedIn. Getting someone to write a recommendation for you can give weight to your accomplishments. Getting an authority figure to write you a recommendation can improve your chances of getting a job offer.

It can also improve your chances of getting into certain professional circles. Sometimes a recruiter can change a maybe to yes based on a recommendation. This works similarly to what recommendation letters do; however, it’s much more valuable when it’s on display on your profile.

Another great thing about recommendations is that they mean you will appear on the recommender’s profile. This means that all the other followers and contacts of that authority figure will be more likely to approach you. When a job offer comes by, they may look to that authority figure for a recommendation. When you’re front and center on their profile, you may just win the jackpot.

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Build Skills

This one is a no-brainer. Whatever skill is hot and trending, you should at least check it out. If you can, take a small crash course on it. All it can do is help your chances of being hired by a company. It can also bolster your profile and boost your chances of promotion within your company.

Remember that recruiters are searching for skills and skill levels on LinkedIn. When they see a candidate that has certain qualities, they go for them. The best chance you have of being selected is to be that candidate.

A critical note about skills is that you shouldn’t list mundane ones in your profile. Having leadership skills or being familiar with Microsoft Office is a cliché now. Of course, if you’re skilled at making great presentations or Spreadsheets, you can highlight that. However, skills are about specificity. Having an expert certificate in Java or being a certified Android Developer is a skill. However, knowing how to use essential tools in Adobe Photoshop is not.

Also, skill endorsement matters on LinkedIn. If you’re great at something, get your professional contacts to endorse that skill. This will help LinkedIn’s algorithm track you better for specific searches.

Amazing Tips to Promote Your LinkedIn Profile | SEO CONSULTANT WEB AGENCY

Native Video Content Tracks Well

LinkedIn supports native videos now. I bet you didn’t know that. That’s something to exploit to its full now that it’s available. Don’t look at this as an opportunity to just advertise yourself. Look at this as an opportunity to highlight your skills and give great advice. If you can use video to interact with your audience or build an audience, LinkedIn’s algorithm will favor you.

You don’t need to film flashy videos that feature great animation or effects. You can just talk to people or give out professional advice sitting at your desk or in your living room. That’s all it takes. Just make sure that you promote your video with hashtags and make it engaging. Don’t make it a snore-fest. It’s best to get a good video editor for this to edit your videos to their bare essentials. Remember, LinkedIn is a platform for professionals. They have very little time to waste. Hence, you should time your videos to be short, concise, and valuable.

Amazing Tips to Promote Your LinkedIn Profile | SEO CONSULTANT WEB AGENCY

Upload Samples of Your Work

Actions speak louder than words. The adage still rings true and will continue to ring true till the end of time. On LinkedIn, it’s better to upload a sample of your work rather than talk about it. This can be a project that you worked on that impressed your bosses. This can be an article that was published in a very prestigious newspaper. It can also be a portfolio of your work that shows off your skills.

Ideally, you shouldn’t go overboard with uploading too many work samples; you should stick to your most valuable ones. Those that show off your various skills and abilities will help bolster and buttress your profile.

Amazing Tips to Promote Your LinkedIn Profile | SEO CONSULTANT WEB AGENCY

Show Off

You’re not on LinkedIn to be modest. Make sure that you’re liberal with how you highlight your achievements. Don’t be shy and proudly flaunt your awards, your medals, and any honors that have been bestowed on you. It only improves your chances of being selected for the right role.

Remember to use your LinkedIn profile to its fullest. The more engagement you get, the better chances you have of getting that ideal job.

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